Monday, April 30, 2007


The idea of Heroes has been on my mind the past few days. I went to campus worship last night and we sang "Came to my Rescue" by United. Also, I, in my love for John and Staci Eldredge's books I have recently considered rereading "Captivating", in which women needing a hero is discussed. Finally, I was talking to a friend last night and she randomly read me a quote about heroes from "Flags of Our Fathers", by James Bradley. The book is about the battle at Iwo-Jima during WWII, and the six men that courageously raised the American flag. Here is the quote/passage from the book:

"Today the word "hero" has been diminished, confused with "celebrity." But in my father's generation the word meant something.

Celebrities seek fame. They take actions to get attention. Most often, the actions they take have no particular moral content. Heroes are heroes because they have risked something to help others. Their actions involve courage. Often, those heroes have been indifferent to the public's attention. But at least, the hero could understand the focus of the emotion. However he valued or devalued his own achievement, it did stand as an accomplishment (Bradley, p.396)."

In addition to the previously stated evidence that the topic of "heroes" has been on my brain, upon studying for a New Testament final I became engrossed in reading Hebrews through Revelation entirely last night. Nine glorious NT books. Hebrews kicking it off with a New Covenant and pioneers of faith, and Revelation ending with a bang! Lets just say i'm a little inspired right now (understatement). This concept of heroes is fueling me. Why? Glad you asked. I'll start with Hebrews.

Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, David, Samuel, the prophets and Jesus (the greatest of all) were all heroes. Every single one of them accomplished great things because they trusted in the promises of God. Here is the kicker though: Every one of them died before seeing a result, or the promise fulfilled (Hebrews 11:13).

Revelation. Satan is goin' down! This book is intense. It is ridiculous that in my 16 years of being a "Christian" I have never read through Revelation completely. I have only read bits and pieces because I have heard the ending so many times. Pathetic, I know. I never knew just how much of the detail I hadn't heard before. Anyway, Revelation is all about God rescuing his people through the second coming of Christ, and fighting evil until he, somewhat effortlessly, but extravagantly casts Satan and his angels in to the pit of hell forever. Why? to restore His kingdom with a New Heaven and New Earth. I’m so excited to see God throw down with Satan! God is our hero!

Rescuing is something we all need. From the time of our birth to the day we die we need a Savior. The point is this: Hallelujah! The saved have been rescued from hell by a hero, named Jesus. Jesus is not a celebrity. He, along with others in the Bible suffered for the rescuing of humanity. Again, Hallelujah!

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