Wednesday, February 21, 2007


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Spring is drawing near and I admit that I am twitterpated! I am loving this moment in time.

Thanks Bambi for the perfect adjective for today!

Sunday, February 18, 2007


There is a Zig Ziglar quote that has been on my mind lately. It goes a little something like this...

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want”

Wow. Serving is such a huge deal! I was listening to John Maxwell speak yeaterday and he talked a lot about different encouragers in the Bible, and what they would say if they could run one lap of life with you. He talked about Rebecca, and how she not only provided water for one of Abraham's servants, but also for his ten camels. That is a lot of water! Anyway, the point was that serving others "generously" should be our goal. I like how this quote matches up with what John Maxwell was saying.

So many times in life I think about me first. I am learning more and more that this world has nothing to do with me. I am only here to worship my Creator, share his name, and serve others. Service is the very essence of Jesus. He never did anything for himself. He always looked out for people. I desire to be this way. I desire to go out of my way, uncomfortable as it may be, for others. If I help others get what they want out of life (keeping in mind that it lines up ethically) I will be blessed in return.

Just something to think about. Go out of your way for someone today. Open a door. Smile at them. Encourage them. That's all.

Friday, February 09, 2007

my humps

10 random things...

It is Friday afternoon. I am done with school today and it is pretty amazing I survived this week! Ahhh!!! Crazy Nursing School times (which I am totally in LOVE with!!!). Anyway, here are some random things on my mind...

1. I'm probably a little behind the rest of the world, but I have discovered a new delight in the musical soundings of John Legend. So much so that I got the two cd's he has put out. This man is awesome! "Ordinary People" and "Stay with You" are my two favs so far. Go have a listen.

2. I am ADDICTED to high heels! I am short...they help. Ha ha! That is not the only reason why. I like to dress well. I always feel a bit prettier with my pointy-toe, sleek, up-to-the-knee, black boots, or my pink sued pumps on! I probably wear heels 5 days out of the week. Praise God for sexy little heels!

3. I am wearing a green sweater right now and my eyes match. LOVE IT!

4. I am a dork. I have discovered that I laugh at my own jokes more than other people do. Oh, well.

5. I don't think Tyra Banks is a recent magazine has accused her of gaining 40lbs. Go Tyra! You look AMAZING!

6. Studying at Nordaggio's Coffee with a chai in hand makes me love the college life even more!!!

7. Grey's Anatomy IS a good show! This season has been an emotional one. Thanks ABC.

8. Conversation hearts are the highlight of Valentines Day...when you don't have a Valentine. I love those sugary little delights. I think "Fax Me" is my fav. Ha.

9. I love the song "Photographs and Memories" by Jason Reeves. It is bittersweet for me. It reminds me of loving and missing and goodbyes.

10. Leave a comment for me. I like it. You'll be the highlight of my day if you do so. ; )

...thats all for now.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

A Love that Lasts.

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I long for love that lasts. Such love has many faces. Some of which I have seen in my own life lately. I would like to give you a glimpse of what I am talking about.

I love elderly people. There is so much about them that fascinates me. For example, their life stories surpass any story I could tell at this point in my life. They have seen the world go through drastic changes. They have experienced the trends, styles, technology, and music evolve. However, the thing that stands out most, in my mind, is their love. Now, I know this is a very general statement, and I am aware of the assumptions I am making, but it seems to me that people of very old age have seen a different side of "true love" than anyone in my generation has. Believe it or not, sex is not the priority of most elderly couples right now. Companionship is. Being alive is. It is often the case among the elderly that when one person dies the other partner doesn't live much longer. They simply CANNOT live without one another.

Another face of love: missions. There are so many hurting people in this world. Feeding them is love. Praying for them is love. Getting outside the "America is the greatest" box is a form of love for those who are not able to live the "American dream". The Bible says in Matthew 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay his life down for his friends." Jesus died for ALL sin, for ALL people. True love is scarce in this world.

God is love. I think this is the big one for me right now. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ. There is no greater sacrifice of love than God sending Jesus to save us from eternity in hell. Loving God is, in my mind the MOST important, and most meaningful love.

I feel like my generation has made the word "love" just another word. It is said too much in a romantic context, and not enough to the people at the end of their rope. We say, "I love movies. I love chocolate. I love things that are blue. I love you - so have sex with me." We have degraded the word to movies, food, preferences, and sex. What is REAL LOVE? What does it look like? Smell like? Does it FEEL or DECIDE or both? Do we mean it? So many questions.

The point is this: As Seven Day Jesus sang, "Everybody needs love." We need REAL love. Make your love mean something.