2. I am going to be in a wedding tomorrow. One of my best friends from high school is tying the knot with an amazing man. I am so excited for this new season in their relationship! Congratulations John and Leah!
3. On the topic of relationships...
There is no one in particular that has captivated my attention at this moment in time. I must admit I struggle in the relationship area. I am very picky and it takes me a long time to trust people with my heart, so I just don't give it away. I think it is hard to do so when you've gotten burned in the past. I am working on letting go of things I have been so angry about for so long. I think there is still some healing taking place in my mind and heart. I am figuring out how to deal with the insecurities I have about myself. So, for now I am taking it easy.
4. I love God so much! He always knows what I need. The other night I almost lost it! I was lonely and frustrated. God was there, as he always is. I know that He loves me fully and that there is no one that can fill my heart like He does. Sometimes I forget that He holds the world in His hands and that He created me for a divine purpose! I am needed for His plan to be fulfilled on this earth. I am amazed at the grace I am given through Jesus! I rejoice at the sound of His voice and find peace in His presence. I was talking to a friend about Heaven today and how marvelous it is going to be to sing "Hosanna!" with the angels, to walk next to Jesus, and to experience life without pain and suffering! I cannot wait for Jesus to return and call His people home.
5. I like to throw in a little review every now and then...
I was surfing through iTunes to spend the $15 gift card I got in my stocking this Christmas when I stumbled upon Ian McIntosh. He is a Christian artist with a unique style. The music consists of a lot of piano and electric guitars. When I first heard it I thought of Jason Upton worship and Sigur Ros. The lyrics are like most Christian music lyrics. The concepts are not anything new or unheard of. I enjoy the songs because they fit where I am at right now. The album "Awakened" reflects a heart longing to be filled and loved again being awakened by the greatest love, the Creator. The songs "Fully Loved" and "Made to Love" are encouraging because they speak the truth about God's love for us and His purpose for our lives. The progression of the album is a lost and broken spirit that calls upon the Lord to heal the hurt and rejection that is awakened to the glory of Father! The final song on the album is called "Adoration", which exemplifies joy, peace, and thankfulness. Check him out!
6. Enjoy this random blog. = )