Losing love is one of the most painful things I know of. To see it is to fear it, and to know it is to never want to go through it again. Losing love makes one second guess everything. It causes a person to want to run away, to give up on everything. It hurts in every way. Crying is all a person can do.
This is a sad topic. Today I saw a friend of mine lose love. I want to cry for her. I know the hurt she is experiencing. She feels hopeless. I wrote this for her. She is a beautiful person inside and out. She is close to my heart. Although she has lost him, she hasn't lost us - her friends.
For Loss of Love
For Loss of Love
Love is no more
No longer his
No longer your's
Painful tears
Endlessly pour
For Loss of Love
Love is no more.
Take care of those you love. Cherish them. Love them with all you have...and never stop.
With Love,
1 comment:
Such immense pain can cause alot of things. I personally second guess everything. For years i chose to keep people away, not let them in and get close to me. Eventually i realized this was futil and caused alot of pain in itself. Even when i did change and let people in I still experienced loss. Its all the same pain but how we deal with it makes the difference. Pain is inevitable. For me its always there but sometimes it keeps me going. The need, the hope, wanting for something better can save you. Time heals all wounds but they always leave scars.
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