Sunday, November 05, 2006

truth or...


Which will you choose? Will you believe in what you know God has said, or will you believe the lies of the enemy? This is a tough one my friends. This is the deal breaker. You know why? Because the truth will always kick you in the bootie. It is what it is...the TRUTH! A lie can only buy you time. You know what else? Satan is a LIAR! He makes things look appealing. Those things are meant to kill you. Satan wants to attack you with the things that look like the truth.

For some of you...this may be review. Right now, this blog is my review. I guess I am reminding myself that I KNOW WHAT THE TRUTH IS! I don't have to guess on this one. God has spoken it to me...and He has spoken the truth in your life.

So, if we know the truth already, why do we so often fall for the lie? Hmm...good question. The answer: Sometimes the truth is not what we want to hear!!! We all know that we are better off living in truth. We all know that lies will end in the death of something (our reputation, relationships, spiritual death). We THINK that the lies will turn into truth if we fight hard enough (at least I have). This is why Satan is so successful with lies.
Some TRUTH for you...

1. God is the one who calls the shots. It doesn't matter how big of a fit you throw. He is not going to give in to the lies of the Devil! It is impossible for Him to do so.

2. The truth is God's best for you. Even if you don't see it - God loves you and He wants to give you your heart's desires and more!

3. In the long run the truth will cause you less pain.

Just a few late night thoughts. I am tired of being bombarded with lies. Satan has been whispering lies to me all week. So, as Jason Upton says in His song "Faith", "I say NO to the discouragement that keeps me down. I say NO to the things that hold me back from you". NO! NO to the lies! I won't believe them. The truth is written on my heart.

Post your thoughts on the issue!

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