Tonight I talked to my dad for quite a while. My dad and I are really close. All my life I have acted and reacted just like him. We are both incredibly analytical, focused, intolerant of immaturity, worriers, and stressed out about 90% of the time. We laughed about it because my mom and brother are so carefree, and we aren't. Anyway, my dad said something to me tonight. He said, "Amber, you are way too hard on yourself. You are analytical, and it isn't necessarily a bad thing. You just need to redirect it." Typically, I was quick to "analyze" this. My thoughts being, "How do I do this?" and "What do I need to change about myself?"
Zig Ziglar said this, "You are what you are and you are where you are because of what has gone into your mind. You change what you are and you change where you are by changing what goes into your mind."
My mind is a busy place. I have a love/hate relationship with it. When I dwell on past events that have shaped where I am now instead of focusing on the "now" I see defeat instead of success. I see failed relationships, friendships, and plans that have fallen through instead of a girl-turned-woman, a nursing degree within reach, and a lifetime of God's glory just waiting to be unveiled. I am not saying that it isn't okay to mourn what has been lost, or that getting emotional is wrong. Emotions are reminders that we are "real". God created us with them. However, I agree with Zig Ziglar's statement. We have to make up our minds every day that we are going to endure. If there is will and motivation to press on, then pressing on and succeeding are most likely to result. The days I feel the worst are the days I sit around dwelling on broken pieces of my heart. I do not believe my heart is whole right now, but I do have the will and the motivation to move forward in life. I also have a God that is in the process of healing me. I refuse to stay in a state of mourning.
So, this is my attempt to redirect my analytical mind.
1 comment:
"The days I feel the worst are the days I sit around dwelling on broken pieces of my heart."
you know you have a way of giving words to things I have been thus far unable to. I forgot how wise you are.
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